One might think that, “Do I have days when things get over my head”? I am overthinking, have headaches feel as if it’s all over or somewhere in between.
What do I do?
Cry for sometime. Call my best friend and crib. And then force myself to pick up my favorite two books the secret and magic. Pick my journal and write everything. Write down what is happening? Find out solutions, calm myself down and make myself believe that I have a great future and I am going to achieve all my goals.
What do you get to learn from this? Everyone has bad days be it a certified life coach or a normal person like you. It’s just that how you manage yourself.
How did I learn this about myself?
My life coach helped me. Like I can help you find your go to thing when you anxious or overthink or fearful about anything in your life. If you want to book a call with me you can email me on
Do try journaling and if you want to learn journaling leave zillions of comments so that my next blog is about how to journal or how do I journal
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